Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, March 15, 2014


So it has been two days now since I last wrote. Let me take the time right now to say thank you to my beautiful niece Dakota for posting these posts for me! You are one special girl and I love you so much!
Okay, Friday we arrived at the airport at 2:30. Are flight was to leave at 5:25. Instead they loaded the plane and we sat for another hour. Talk about crazy with two, two year olds. First they had both of the babies in one row and Izzy and I in another. I told the guy who was to sit between them that he could have my seat. He said no problem. They made us buy a ticket for Jet because he is over two, but he is the size of a one year old and the seat belt wouldn’t stay on him,. He was very agitated. So I sad forget this! Izzy you come and take Ruiby’s seat and Ruiby will sit between us and I will hold Jet. No one said a word to me about it.  As the plane started to take off Ruiby had this scared look on her face and she buried her face in Izzy’s lap and closed her eyes. She slept the whole 2 hours and 40 minutes. Jet, well he ate or cried and screamed the whole way, except the last 10 minutes of the flight. He was very agitated, and every time they would shut out the light he would start to fuss! I fed him every cheerio and cracker that I had. Then I stood in the isle for awhile trying to get him to go to sleep. He was so tired. But has not yet felt safe enough for me to rock him to sleep. He has many self soothing habits and when I was finally made to take my seat to make our decent he was beside himself. He rocked violently back and forth trying to suck both his thumbs and scream at the same time. All the while Izzy and I were being stared at by the many people who were around us. There was nothing I could do, but let him cry. Finally he let me pull him close and he buried his little head in my neck, stuck his thumb in his mouth and closed his eyes, that was ten minutes before we landed. We finally made it to our hotel at around 11: 00 pm. All of us completely beat!!
We thought today was going to be a better day. Well it was not! We started the morning off with breakfast and that was good, until suddenly Jet started to cough. I didn’t think much of it as he has had a runny nose for a couple days now. I had to go up to the business center and make some copies of the kids passports before we went to their medical check. I left the babies with Izzy. When I got back I could see the fear in Izzy’s eyes. Jethro was crying and gasping for air. Being that I know what it feels like to not be able to breath and what it sounds like when your airway is closing off, I knew right away that something I had fed him was causing him trouble. I started giving him lots of water and called my guide. She met me in the lobby and took me to the clinic here in the hotel. Slowly he started getting better, but had a barking cough. The doctor was not there so we were headed to the medical check and the doctors there checked him over. He was fine by the time we got there, but they did give me some medicine for him. It was a very scary few minutes for Izzy and I.
At the medical check both children cried at every station!! Our hearts broke to hear them cry in a room with the door closed as they did the blood draw for their TB test. Ruiby is also headed back to the hospital on Monday because she has an abscess on her ear that needs to be drained. All I can say is that as I have encountered all these little obstacles with these two precious children is that I have the same mama bear love for these children that I have for my five other children! I will protect them with my life if I have to. My Love for them just keeps getting bigger and bigger!
Tonight Jethro for the first time let me hold him and talk to him in his ear and tell him how much I love him and instead of him rocking himself to sleep tonight he let his mama rock him instead!! A huge step for this little man! 
Izzy and I feel like we are on the amazing race, but instead of a prize of a million dollars, our prize, is priceless! A smile, a hug, sweet giggles and belly laughs, Jethro looking into my eyes, Ruiby holding my hand and saying mama. All these things out way the challenges we face everyday. We have shed some tears the last couple days, as our best traveling partner made his way home yesterday and we miss him so very much!   Ruiby wonders around the room asking for Dada baba and I can tell she is sad that he is gone. She looks at his picture many times a day saying his name over and over.   Izzy and I made our way this evening over to a place that felt like home STARBUCKS!! don’t be critical! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to survive! Okay, well I think you are all caught up! Thanks for the prayers!! Keep them coming we need them!! Love and hugs to all! We love you! Teresa, Izzy, Ruiby and Jet
PS sorry there is no pictures! It was all we could do just to survive the last two days.
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1 comment:

  1. Teresa, oh my goodness, those croup episodes are scary! Our second son had those attacks, too, when he was little. We never figured out exactly what caused them, but we thought they were an allergy to rice flour (always seemed to happen after eating dumplings!). So glad Jethro is okay now. I cannot believe how many health issues you have had in China. Praying for all of you. You'll be home soon. Love to you!
