Our Family

Our Family

Friday, May 21, 2010

Coming Home!!!

Good Bye, China!

Lottie and Maria eating their pizza

The Ulm family

the Tenkley family

The Larochelle family

The Haynes family

Well this will be my last post from China. I am homesick!!! I miss my family so much!! I am so ready to come home. BUT, I have been blessed this week to meet some wonderful people!!! The families in our group are so wonderful. I know that I have made some lasting friendships with them. I will miss my friend Jenny who has been so good to me. I will be praying for her and that God will bless her little shop because of her kindness. I will miss our wonderful guide Emma. She is so good at what she does and really cares about each of the families. I will miss Stacy and our long walks and talks we had together. That we got to meet is such a gift from God. Our adoption journey has had its ups and downs. It has been very painful at times. But, there is no doubt in my mind that God had a plan. Lottie needed our family and we needed her!! We are so honored to be her parents. As I watch Lottie and learn about who she is I know she was meant for our family. There are so many things that she does that remind me of her sisters. I know we have some work to do when we get home, but God will see us through.

Tonight our group had a farewell pizza party. We ordered pizza and it was delivered to our hotel. We had a wonderful time visiting and then Gary had a beautiful prayer for all of the families and for AGCI. It was a great ending to our time together.

While you are sleeping I will begin my journey home. I know the journey may be hard, but God will see me through. I thank you all for your prayers for Lottie and I while we were in China. I thank all those who cared for my family while I was away. I will never be able to repay you!! And to my wonderful niece Dakota I thank you for doing this blog for me so that our friends and family could be part of this incredible journey to Miss Lottie Mei XiYan Tall.

If you ever feel God calling you to adoption, I ask you to NOT ignore His voice. Take that leap of faith. Though the journey is sometimes hard, the blessings you will receive will out way the hardships!! There are so many beautiful children longing for a forever family. Could you be that family they are looking for?

Good bye from China,
Teresa and Lottie

1 comment:

  1. Teresa and Lottie!
    So excited that you are soon to be on your way home! We will be praying for your safe travels, and can't wait to meet little Lottie.....
    Love you
